Patricia Geenen


Contact Patricia Geenen

Board Term Ending 2024.  Patricia and her husband Paul joined First Church in the fall of 2016, continuing a faith journey focused on social justice. After raising their four children in both the Roman Catholic and ELCA Lutheran traditions, they ended a period of being “unchurched” by finding a home here. Jumping right in to volunteer as facilitators for the Inquirers Series provided a further tutorial on Unitarian Universalist principles and practices. Pat also soon became active with the Immigration Issues Group, helping to coordinate a congregational discernment process to join the New Sanctuary Movement in Milwaukee and, in 2018, taking on co-leadership of the Immigration Action Team and a role on the Social Justice Council. Before the pandemic, Pat enjoyed applying her experience as a grandmother of eight to the role of RE assistant in the nursery and pre-school classroom. Pat retired from her position as professor of Professional Communication and Technology at Alverno College in 2013.


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