Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Adult Spiritual Development

For more information, contact:

Dena McPhetres

Contact Dena McPhetres


Adult Spiritual Development programs at First Unitarian Society provide information and support to challenge and inspire adult learners along their path.

Join this team to help bring these programs to First Church. OR


Join us for programs that invite participants to:

  • Be present
  • Explore religious values and beliefs
  • Go deeper!

We offer people a place where their seeking and questioning is welcomed. Where those who long for deep connection can attain it; where those who wish to explore their own spiritual and religious paths will have company for the journey.

Whether you are seeking spiritual development and/or practice, tools to face life’s challenges, alternative ways of being present and aware in this world, intellectual stimulation, in-depth exploration of Unitarian Universalism, or body/mind/spirit integration…we offer opportunities for you along your journey!

Upcoming Events

Visit the Events Calendar to see all upcoming Adult Spiritual Development events.

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