Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Engagement / Re-Engagement Fair

As we come out of COVID lockdown, I am reminded of how much easier it is for me to connect when I have a job to do. If I can’t be in the kitchen during a gathering, I’m wondering if I can help move chairs.  Needless to say, social Zoom gatherings are not my cup of tea. I like a purpose with my connecting. 

For me, one of the gifts of church life is that the multiple ways we gather always have purpose. Furthering Social Justice, practicing democratic governance, supporting spiritual growth, or extending care. Even our more socially oriented affinity groups welcome all, recognizing the dignity and worth of each. 

The Membership Team is sponsoring an Engagement Re-Engagement Fair May 1 at 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. in the Leenhouts Common Room (during Social Hour) for all of us who have found staying connected difficult during shutdown. Some of our groups are regathering as their formats were not Zoom-friendly, some need in-person support on Sundays, some will be seeking new energy and new ideas from members they haven’t met yet. Other groups have gathered consistently but are also always happy to welcome new members online or in-person. Come meet all of us. 

For two years being part of a larger, intentional community has been more of an idea held in our minds and hearts than an embodied experience. It is time, for many of us to connect again by chance conversation and unexpected faces, by working with others on a common purpose, by seeing and sensing how interconnected we humans are. 

Lynne Jacoby, Membership Development Coordinator

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