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Social Justice

Heads-Up for Supreme Court & Spring Elections

The next round of elections will be a statewide primary on February 21 for a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice seat followed by a combined statewide supreme court run-off, district courts and local elections on April 4. Our local Defend Democracy and UU the Vote advocates will repeat tasks used for the November election. While the schedule for the spring election is extremely tight, there are many opportunities to take part.

Last October’s popular postcard writing event will be repeated. Our relationships with nonprofit groups like Supermarket Legends and Interfaith Council will continue with voter registration and forums. In March, each Tuesday at noon, the Interfaith Conference of Milwaukee will feature court related forums at First Church.

Lesson plans for all of our children, youngest to oldest, will be created to add insight into the judicial systems, an extension of the election classes from October. Teach-ins are in the works to clarify the importance of the courts, and why this particular supreme court election is “critical.”

To take part in this creative and engaging effort, plus enjoy the company of your fellow UU’s, contact Dan O’Keefe. Your information will be shared with three other co-leaders: Peter Koneazny, Pat McFarland and Dave Umhoefer.

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