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Social Justice

Peace Action – STP March 2024

Peace Action of Wisconsin is committed to the principles of nonviolence as a strategy to solve problems of war, human rights abuse, inequality and war. They are committed to non-violence as a way of life and the way to a peaceful world.

Their mission statement aspires to:

  • Abolish war and nuclear weapons and nuclear power
  • End military intervention
  • Transfer military spending to human needs.
  • Protect the environment.
  • Oppose the exploitation of workers, racism and gender discrimination.
  • Respect and support First Nations

Founded in March 1977 as the Mobilization for Survival in opposition to nuclear weapons and power, they called for an end to the arms race. In January 1996, they formed an alliance with National Peace Action.

On their website you will find updates on peace and justice issues and an online calendar. They sponsor speakers, films, and community meetings that focus on ending militarism and for social justice. They also publish the Mobilizer Newsletter bi-monthly, visit elected representatives to discuss peace and foreign policy issues, help coordinate the weekly Stand for Peace and host the End the Wars Coalition. They call for demonstrations to oppose US wars of aggression. Volunteers are encouraged to support the organization in the office or at demonstrations.

Contribute securely online at this link, or mail or bring your check to First Church made payable to “Peace Action Wis.”  We’ll forward your contribution to them.

Lynde Uihlein, STP Team Member

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