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Social Justice

Share the Plate Sept–Plastic Free MKE

Our September Share the Plate partner is Plastic-Free MKE. This coalition’s mission is to reduce the harms that unnecessary plastics have on environmental health, public health, and social justice. The organization’s goal is to reduce single-use plastics in Milwaukee and surrounding communities. Achieving this goal necessarily involves a collaboration of many parties.

Plastic-Free-MKE is a coalition of passionate community members, small business owners, agencies, and local non-profits. Our First Church Earth Justice Ministry has joined this coalition.

Plastic-Free MKE is addressing plastics because they impact:

  • Our health – Plastics contaminate our air, food, and water. Each week the average American ingests a credit card’s worth of plastic.
  • Our lakes, rivers, and oceans – 85% of fish from the Milwaukee River contain plastic in their digestive tract. 22 million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes each year, half of which is in Lake Michigan.
  • Our planet as a whole – Plastics are made of fossil fuels and contribute 300 million tons of carbon dioxide to climate change each year.

Your donations help this coalition develop programs and educational initiatives such as Lake-Friendly certifications of businesses. Learn more on the Plastic-Free MKE website: https://www.plasticfreemke.org/


Contribute securely online at this link or mail or bring your check to First Church made payable to “Plastic Free MKE.” We’ll forward your contribution to the Plastic-Free MKE.

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