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COVID-19, Communications

What Is Multi-Platform Church?

In these ever-changing pandemic times, you are probably wondering: How will we do church this fall? Here’s how we will stay connected at First Church while protecting health and centering our core values of love and justice.

Multi-platform church means we’re offering programming in a mix of both online (Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) and in-person (outdoors, in members’ homes, in the church building.)

When we will gather in-person depends on Milwaukee County COVID levels and the First Church policy. Check our website front page for the current open / close status of any given week.

Online offerings will continue all year, regardless of local COVID numbers:

  • When we can worship in-person, we’ll continue to hold online Sunday Services every Sunday afternoon. See more below about this new online option.
  • When small groups can gather in-person, there will be an online option for these programs as well.
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