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Earth Hands

Earth Hands

I am here because as climate change effects roll out, they are going to hit the most vulnerable among us first and they already are. I am here because we know that 2016 was a record year and before that, 2015 was a record year and before that, 2014 was a record year. And I am here because as a Wisconsin girl, I know that it is not supposed to be raining in January. I am here because I love this Earth and I love its people. I love all its creatures. I’m here because as a person of faith, I know that it is our work to both speak the truth of the dire consequences we are facing and also to imagine a better tomorrow. I am here to dream impossible dreams with you. I am here to make those dreams become reality by bending the arc of the universe towards justice with our own hands. I am here to say ‘no’ to oppression and repression.

We are all in this together. It is not just the climate and the Earth and its creatures and its people that are under threat. It’s immigrants and people of color, it’s LGBTQ folks, it’s women. We are all in this together and this is part of the great interdependent web of all existence and we are going to be in solidarity with one another. I am here in the prayer and the hope that what has divided us will cease to divide us and we will become united as a people working in solidarity with one another for love and for justice. Will you pray with me?

*This is a transcription of the Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom’s speech at the First 100 Hours Vigil.

First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee  is a home for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom, active in Milwaukee since 1842. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive denomination; core principles include recognition of the worth and dignity of every person; respect for the interdependent web of existence; and the goal of world peace, liberty and justice.

Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

The Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom is First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee’s Senior Minister. Jennifer is primarily responsible for worship, mission, vision, leadership, prophetic witness, and congregational systems. She is also head of staff at First Church.

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