Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

What does it mean to be a people of Rootedness?

This year, I have felt more deeply rooted in place than at any other time in my adult life. Pandemic life slowed me down and kept my movement close to home, which allowed me to root more deeply. I noticed the plants in my neighborhood, and the sky’s seasons. I got to know my neighbors and became more connected with my community.

There seems to be a balance between rootedness and mobility, and a dynamic tension between depth and speed. Our experience of time and space negotiated by movement. What does it mean that a plant must stay still to grow its roots?

This month, as we consider what it means to be a people of rootedness, I invite you to consider slowing down. Even as the world might speed up in summer, and there might be more places for vaccinated people to go safely, you might gain depth from going slowly.

As usual, I will be attending the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (virtually) this year at the end of June. I encourage you to attend if you can—Milwaukee will be spotlighted, I will be co-leading the Opening Celebration Worship, and there are innumerable workshops about our faith, justice, and all aspects of church. After General Assembly, I will be on vacation and study leave until August.

I hope you have a beautiful, rooted, deep summer of connection and hope, First Church. I will see you in August.

With love,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom
Senior Minister

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