Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

The Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom.

This October, our community will explore what it means to be a people of deep listening. What happens when you listen deeply to your loved ones? To people who are different from you? To other members of your community? What happens when you listen deeply to your own inner voice? To the whispers of the universe?

We are in the midst of many shouts this month, living in a swing state during one of the most consequential elections of our lives. How can listening deeply to voices not usually heard—voices from the margins, voices of the ancestors, voices of future generations—affect us?

In Wisconsin in 2016, the election was decided by 22,748 votes. If each one of our members and friends reaches 18 Wisconsin voters to get out the vote, our congregation alone would reach that deciding number of voters. Your First Church UU the Vote team is asking *every* *single* *member* of First Church to get involved in this election (see their article on page 6 or just sign up here.)

Listen deeply this October: to the past, to the future, to the silence, to the unheard, to the whispering universe, to your inner voice. Answer what calls you. May you feel connected to all that is.

With love,



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