Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Dena McPhetres, Associate Minister

The Rev. Dena McPhetres

A wise mentor once told me that when people attend a wedding ceremony, they celebrate the new couple’s commitment while simultaneously reflecting on their own marriages or committed relationships. We think a wedding is about blessing a new couple, but it is equally about reflecting on our own journey of relationship, and re-committing to the person we love.

Whenever I attend an ordination of a soon-to-be colleague into the Unitarian Universalist ministry, I reflect on my own transformation from lay person to Reverend. I recall with fondness and humility my own ordination ceremony. My gratitude overflows and my spirit is nourished. I recommit to the high and deep ideals evoked in the service. I join my voice and heart to the living tradition once again and am inspired and renewed.

First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee has the sacred honor of ordaining Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson to the UU ministry in October. During the act of ordination, which only a congregation has the power to do, Kimberlee will take her vows to serve some pretty impressive high ideals! She will deepen her promise to serve you, the community of First Church. And we the people of First Church will make promises to her. This is a rite of transformation of a relationship that already exists, but will become more vivid, full, grounded, and soaring during the ceremony. Make no mistake, we who participate in Kimberlee’s ordination will be changed.

I invite you to consider renewing your commitment to this congregation that you made when you became members. In the secret recesses of your heart, and in the loud gladness of exercising your unique power to ordain Kimberlee, may our congregation be a people of renewal. May we promise our best selves to each other, the sacred, and future generations.

Save the Date: Sunday, October 18. You don’t want to miss it.


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