Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Dealing with change in the world is hard, but from my perspective changing one’s own behavior is harder.

Some several New Year Eves ago I, who never make resolutions, decided to add another regular Spiritual Practice into my life. At the time I was attending church regularly (Practice #1) which I felt added hope to my worldview. I thought a mid-week practice might help even more. Meditation, yoga, something, once a week, seemed an achievable goal.

My church offered a weekly drop-in Lectio Divina practice but, not enamored of the Christian Scriptures I was dubious. Still it was too convenient not try it. I attended that group until I moved six years later – the easiest healthy behaviors I’ve ever incorporated in my life. Yes, the practice – but also the community kept me coming back.

Borrowing the structure of Lectio Divina, but using Poetry, a dozen plus of us have been meeting on Wednesday morning since the first month of COVID. It’s convenient (Zoom easy!) and valued enough by participants that I am starting a second session in the evenings.

Lynne Jacoby, Membership Development Coordinator

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