Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Dear First Church,

As we consider our theme of Justice and Equity this month, I invite us to do it faithfully, from the ground of our being. Justice is often spoken of as fairness, balance, or even a matter of accounting, to the point of using scales as its symbol. We must consider resource distribution, logic, and fairness when we consider issues of equity and justice.

For Unitarian Universalists, however, justice and equity are also matters of the heart. We believe our shared humanity is sacred and we are committed to human beings’ mutual thriving. Injustice gets in the way of that, so we want to be part of removing systemic obstacles to peoples’ full human expression. We are especially attuned to the systemic obstacle of racism during this Black History month. Look for announcements about the Anti-Racism Team’s March 9 training.

Resources support thriving individuals, families, and communities. Our own First Church pledge drive launches this month, and we will reflect on how we can each contribute our fair share to support our spiritual community. You will hear more from the 2024 Pledge Team in worship, small groups, and through church communications, and I hope you’ll help support a thriving First Church in the coming year.

With love,
Rev.  Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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