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Two Minutes Smarter On Reparations 

Reparations FAQs, from the BLM2WUU Website


It was so long ago; why do we need to keep bringing up slavery?

“Many Black Americans are only three generations removed from slavery. … But the failure to pay a debt in a timely fashion does not extinguish the obligation, particularly since the consequences of past injustices continue to be visited upon the descendants of the direct victims. A national act of procrastination does not eliminate the debt.” (William Darity and Kirsten Mullen, From Here to Equality, p. 242)

How can I help?

Eventually, reparations will be paid by the U.S. government. But to get us to that point, you can help generate the political support that will be needed to make it happen. There are lots of options for positive action.

Start by reading about the issue and then talk with people about why you believe reparations are key to this country’s future.

Let your representatives in U.S. Congress know that you support House Resolution (HR) 40, the commission to study reparation proposals for African Americans Act. Find out where your representative stands on HR40 and urge them to sign on as a cosponsor. Reparations won’t happen on the national level without broad public support. In the meantime, create your own personal reparations plan.


Check out the rest of our FAQs to learn more. https://tiny.cc/blm2wuu/reparations-faqs 

by Mary Devitt, Black Lives Matter to Wisconsin UUs Coordinator



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