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Social Justice

An Update From Our Immigration Issues Action Group

By Kitty Wilkomm and Lorraine Jacobs, Co-Chairs

We offer opportunities to deepen everyone’s understanding regarding immigrant and refugee experiences. Sanctuary Discernment news and schedules are posted on the church bulletin board in the hallway, under the “Sanctuary Discernment at First Church” section, posted on an easel display, and at the Social Justice Table during coffee hours. We hope you will be able to attend!

Cottage Meetings
These small group gatherings of First Church members, scheduled during fall 2017, offer a review of our Sanctuary Discernment process and status, as well as, a chance to share opinions and concerns. Providing sanctuary is an important decision for the whole congregation and may impact everyone in large and small ways. To be successful, First Church congregation members must feel comfortable about the details, able to explain sanctuary to others and be on call as needs arise. The Sanctuary Discernment team has done much work this summer; researching and learning the realities of offering sanctuary at First Church.

Sanctuary Sundays
Offered by the Sanctuary Discernment Team these offer deeper understanding of immigrant issues.

  • On September 10, we join the Book Discussion Group to review, Enrique’s Journey, the story of a boy’s dangerous odyssey to reunite with his mother. The author, Sonia Nazario, explores motivations and extreme travel conditions these travelers experience.
  • On August 13, Bruce Wiggins and Michelle Naples shared details from a 2017 Regional Assembly workshop on Refugee Resettlement. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution in their home country. They are vetted for U.S. entry by the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees and the U.S. Department of State and Homeland Security. This process can last 4–20+ years. Milwaukee Lutheran Social Services (LSS) does refugee resettlement. We at First Church may decide to assist LSS with refugee resettlement as our sanctuary commitment.
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