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Personal & Spiritual Development, Membership

We Look Forward To Visiting You For Forge Our Future!

We hope that you were able to attend the Forge Our Future kickoff and Halloween street party on October 23rd. What a fun time we had!

We announced our campaign goal of $3,000,000! We also announced that pledges received as of October 23 were $1,483,700.  (Pledges received as of November 3 are $1,600,000.)

The Forge Our Future Steering Committee, along with additional volunteer visitors, are in the process of reaching out to every household in the church for a personal visit. Thank you to those of you who already had a visit. The goal of the visit is two-fold, to deepen connections especially after the last couple of years of distant worship and community, and to talk about the future needs and opportunities of First Church. The visits and personal connections have been so rewarding for everyone and we look forward to visiting with you!

Find more information about our Forge Our Future campaign at this web page.

Mark Chambers and Holly Patzer
Forge Our Future Team Co-Chairs

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