Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

First Unitarian Church of Milwaukee

"Finally, a church that makes sense."

Those were the words of a recent visitor to First Church. The question: Might our church be a good choice for you, too?

To find out . . . perhaps you’d like to visit us for a Sunday Service.

Or if you have children, you might want to find more about our Religious Education program.

Chalice at First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee

If you wish to get involved in other activities, here are options for everything from social groups for various age ranges to many social justice initiatives . . . and much more.

We are a welcoming congregation. You don’t need to change who you are or what you believe to be part of this vibrant Milwaukee community, a congregation active since 1842! We look forward to your visit, and value your presence.

We welcome people of all genders, sexualities, ages, races, ethnicities, histories, and bodies here. This congregation is full of vibrant, thoughtful people. This church respects people’s minds, and encourages people to find ways to bring our beliefs and actions into harmony.

Come visit us for any Sunday Service, or chose any program to get involved and find a home that truly can make sense for you!

What are you interested in finding out more about?

Next Sunday Service
Religious Education program information
Groups and other activities