Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

April is often a transition month in Wisconsin. It is a great time to consider Becoming, whether that means moving from winter to spring, from hibernation to community, or from vision to action. April dances like the newborn sunlight and shadows on the slowly warming ground. We are becoming, as a people, and awakening again to the world.

Our community is constantly becoming: every time someone new joins us, we become a new community, changing and growing through the new wisdom and personalities in our midst. This month, we offer another opportunity for new folks to explore joining our congregation through the Journey to Membership class. Learn more on page 5 or by contacting our Membership Development Coordinator Lynne Jacoby at lynne.jacoby@uumilwaukee.org.

We are also building our church budget for the 2021 – 22 church year, based on the pledges you all made to our community—thank you! Because of your commitments to First Church, we are going to put our priorities into action, and keep nurturing peoples’ spirits, engaging their minds, and inspiring them to action. If you haven’t submitted your pledge yet—please do so today! Submit here online Pledge Form.

Finally, an advisory COVID Team is coming together to work with me to consider under what conditions the church will reopen, at what level, and with what precautions. The team includes folks with expertise in medicine, public health, spatial design, and safety. We will communicate with the congregation as we develop policies and procedures about re-opening.

While my crystal ball is no better than yours in terms of when the Milwaukee-area will reach herd immunity levels, I long to see your faces as much as you all long to be together! We will proceed with that longing in our hearts, together with a commitment to public health and to maintaining our Unitarian Universalist value of not causing harm.

With love and gratitude,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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