Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Human beings know ourselves and the world through story. We take journeys to distant lands through story and come home to ourselves through story. What stories hold us together? What stories pull us apart?

Each of us has individual stories, as well as stories that tie us to people. What are your stories of yourself? Where did you come from and who made you? Who are your people and how did you come to be?

Communities are also held together by stories. What are the stories of our community? How do they shape how we behave together and what we do in the world?

In May, we will dedicate new children in our community at our Mother’s Day worship service on May 9. Then we will celebrate our children and youth, and mark their rites of passage during Religious Education Sunday on May 16.

After that service, we will gather online as a community and do the business of church at our May 16 Annual Meeting, including a vote on our strategy for financial sustainability and discussion of our forthcoming COVID Church Re-Opening Policy. Don’t miss it!

Stories are powerful tools for learning, understanding, and shaping. We hope you will join us this month in worship, at our annual meeting, and in small groups as we reflect on, and live into, what it means to be a people of story.

With love and gratitude,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister


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