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Personal & Spiritual Development

Dena’s Digressions – Simplicity

Rev. Dena McPhetres

We have a joke around the office, “It’s First Church: it’s complicated!” I used to marvel at how many layers, policies, procedures, processes, and the sheer number of conversations it took to make decisions and get things done around here. Now that I’ve become familiar with the complexity of a large organization, it can still surprise me when a seemingly small gesture melts my heart with its kindness. Or when what seems like an offhand comment or quickly written email causes harm.

We are simple beings in many ways, living in a complicated and complex world. What does it mean to be a people of simplicity? I hear us seeking meaning together, sifting the wheat from the chaff, discarding most surface chatter to engage each other at a deeper level. Indeed, that’s what a couple of you told me recently this community does for you. It matches your desire for deeply significant relationships. And that the practice of deeply significant conversations and relationships is so important and satisfying, that it surprises you when folks want to stay on the surface.

The surface can be so seductive and seemingly safe. But what do surface complications obscure? We’ll explore the theme of simplicity in June.

Join us this month for summer services and religious education at 10:00 a.m. only, beginning June 9. Dive into your own exploration of the essence of life. Come be in community and support each other to go below the surface for a simpler and deeper connection.




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