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Personal & Spiritual Development

Interdependence Invites Us into Covenant

There’s a game where everyone stands in a circle and throws a ball of yarn across the circle, person to person, until they create complicated interconnected web. When someone pulls on their piece of the web, the whole web moves. If someone lets go of their piece of the web, the whole web suffers. In communities, ecosystems, even our own bodies, there is an interdependent web of connection, where symbiotic entities influence and rely on one another.

In Unitarian Universalism, we honor the interdependent web of all existence. Recognizing our interdependence pulls us back from the brink of isolation and invites into covenant with the larger whole of which we are just one part.

When we create covenant, we commit to practicing right relationship and repairing damaged relationships. We return to covenant and repair over and over again in the long and complicated life dance of interdependent relationships among our beloveds, our communities, our own bodies, and the earth itself.

This month at church, let’s explore together what it means to hold up our part of the yarn, and hold our people, non-human beings, and the land well. On Earth Day, our Earth Justice Ministry will be writing postcards connecting climate and democracy. Throughout April, our Board of Trustees will be asking your opinion about how the church is doing in our web of relationships with their congregational survey. Please complete the survey online here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CMM3R8V . In Religious Education (RE), we will be hiring a new RE and Membership Assistant to join our team (read article here).  Let’s keep holding our piece of the yarn, and one another, this month!

With love,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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