Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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By Beryl Aschenberg, Director of Religious Education

When my daughter Chelsea was born, I was given a poem written by Dorothy Law Nolte entitled “Children Learn What They Live.” Perhaps you have seen this one. It begins, [quote] If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.[/quote] A quick look on the internet found that it has been quoted (and frequently adapted) in a multitude of places and situations, and although written in 1952, the words still hold true, and continue to inspire today.

Children live what they learn, and they learn what YOU live.  Volunteering in our Sunday School program means modeling what you know and believe to be true and right in this world, in this life.  Our Sunday School Teachers and Class Assistants give direction- primarily by being themselves and sharing their own values and beliefs.  They give guidance to help children navigate their way through life. What can you offer our children on their journey? If you were witness to this year’s RE Sunday Service, you heard our High School Seniors speak to the importance of our church in their lives… how it has helped ground them, and frame their beliefs in a way that allows them to live out their values in the world.

If you were part of our Child Dedication ceremonies on Mother’s Day, this year, you most likely made a promise to encourage those children as they grow into adulthood.
How will you live into that promise?

Children’s spirits, values, and belief systems thrive in a religious environment that supports them. I encourage you to think about your part in the “village” it takes to raise UU kids, and to offer your special self to the children of First Church though our Religious Education program.

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