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What do we as UUs believe, and what does our church stand for? How do we want to see those beliefs expressed? In Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s constitution, our purpose, principles, and sources are spelled out (and found after the preface in our gray hymnal). Over a year ago, the UUA appointed the Article II Study Commission (A2SC) to review this part of the constitution, and obtain feedback from individuals, congregations, and other UU groups on possible changes.

First Church then appointed its Article II Team (Michelle Boehm, Rollie Hanson, Terry Wiggins) to work with Rev. Jennifer on stimulating and gathering feedback from church members. New opportunities to submit feedback and discuss draft language were held in September.

More revisions will follow, with feedback sessions in late October/early November. The next step will be putting together a proposal in early 2023 to send to the UUA Board. The proposal will be considered in mini-assemblies before the vote at the General Assemblies in 2023 and 2024. Find more info at the UUA website at this link:  https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission.

Terry Wiggins, Member, Article II Team

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