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Alcohol Policy

Approved by the Board of Trustees

Promulgation of the following policy governing the use of alcoholic beverages at church events and on church premises is intended by the Board to ensure compliance with applicable law and enhance the safety and comfort of members and guests.

  • It is unlawful in the City of Milwaukee to sell, directly or indirectly, any alcoholic beverage without a license. The church must comply with all applicable laws. Hence, no charge of any kind, including a request for a free will donation, may be made for beer and wine served at church functions (except when the function is held at a commercial licensed establishment, such as a local restaurant, and the charge is made by the licensed establishment), unless the church has timely applied for and been granted the requisite license. The law prohibits the church from obtaining more than two such licenses in any twelve-month period. Therefore, should a church member or Committee wish to propose that the church obtain a license to engage in the sale of beer or wine at a church function, the member or Committee must make such proposal to the Board of Trustees, in writing, at least ninety (90) days in advance of the proposed event. Only the Board can decide whether to proceed with the plan and to apply for the license.
  • The occasional, responsible serving and consumption of beer and wine by members and guests of legal age is permitted at church events, whether on or off premises, provided that no charge is made and provided that ample, attractive non-alcoholic beverages, such as juice, soda, coffee, tea or water are also available. This means, for example, that if a Committee decides to have refreshments at a meeting, members might bring wine and juice to share. Also, by way of example, in appropriate limited circumstances, such as a new member reception or a BBBC, the Membership Committee or the Board may elect to use a portion of its budget to purchase wine and soda to be served at the event.
  • Alcoholic beverages other than beer and wine are not permitted on church property at any time.
  • Whenever beer or wine is served, plentiful, attractive non-alcoholic beverage alternatives must also be served.
  • Beer and wine served at church events must be clearly labeled as such.
  • At any event at which beer or wine is served, care must be taken by designated, responsible persons to oversee and moderate the serving and consumption of the beer and wine.
  • Care must be taken in advertising church gatherings and activities so that it does not appear that the church or its members encourage the use of alcohol.
  • The use of alcohol by anyone at church-sponsored activities for children and teens, on or off premises, including in private homes, is never permitted.
  • Storage of beer and wine on church property is discouraged. However, if temporary storage is necessary, permission must be obtained from the Church Administrator or her designee, who shall ensure that such storage is secure.
  • Outside parties who rent or otherwise use church property for special functions must obtain the express written permission of the Church Administrator in order to serve beer and wine. Under no circumstances is the sale of beer or wine by any outside party permitted. Outside parties who are granted permission to serve beer and wine on church premises shall be required to acknowledge in writing that they are solely responsible for compliance with all laws and church policies pertaining to alcoholic beverages and the sobriety of their guests.