Adult Spiritual Development Program

Join us for programs that invite participants to:

  • Be Present
  • Explore Religious Values and Beliefs
  • Go Deeper!

We offer people a place where their seeking and questioning is welcomed. Where those who long for deep connection can attain it; where those who wish to explore their own spiritual and religious paths will have company for the journey.

Check our events page, newsletter and announcements for scheduled events. You’ll find a range of themes and formats including drop-in groups, one-time offerings or class series. We hope you will join us!

Fees and Scholarships

Fee waivers are available to First Church members and friends for whom a fee creates a financial hardship; please contact Rev. Dena McPhetres, Associate Minister, for more information.

Program Registration

Pre-registration is required for all Adult Spiritual Development programs. Register online, or send a completed registration form along with a check payable to First Unitarian Society for program fees. Alternately, you may sign up in person at the Religious Education (RE) Table on Sunday mornings during Coffee Hours.

Upcoming Events

Coming soon.

New Program Proposals Welcome

Submit your idea for a new ASD opportunity here.