Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Social Justice, Membership

Assemblies & Presidencies & Faith, Oh My!

Tis the season to connect with our national Unitarian Universalist faith. Our annual national gathering, where we make decisions about Unitarian Universalism, how we want to be together now and who we want to become, is called General Assembly.

This year it will be held in Portland June 22-26, and available online. Our UU representatives will be making a big decision about our national bylaws this year, determining how we can stay theologically grounded, and mission focused in our governance. Read more here , and see Bruce Wiggins or Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom if you are interested in attending.

Rev. Jennifer has been elected as the President of the Senior Ministers of Large UU Congregations, a group for the Senior Ministers of our 34 largest congregations in Unitarian Universalism. Rev. Jennifer assumed this role in March of 2022 and is facilitating a conversation among our large church colleagues about purpose, identity and faith.

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