Chanticleer Submission

What is the Chanticleer?

First Church’s newsletter, The Chanticleer, is published monthly. It is distributed the last week of each month via email and is posted on our website. We recommend that major events be advertised beginning at least a month in advance which means it is best to submit your first notice in time for the prior month’s Chanticleer.

Word Count:

Articles and announcements: 200-225 words.
Advertisements: 50-150 words.

General Guidelines:

You must submit your copy using the form below.

We will not accept stand-alone flyers for programs. At the editor’s discretion, we may only publish flyers for events of institutional importance such as annual congregational meetings.

Please follow the First Church Publication Style Sheet when writing your article. This will decrease the processing time the editor takes when proofing articles.


The deadline for submission of articles is 9:00 a.m. the third Monday of each month. Sorry, there will be NO EXCEPTIONS!


As a matter of policy, we can only accept materials which relate to First Church activities or church sponsored/supported activities.