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Holiday, Membership

Christmas Eve Receptions Helpers Needed

Our Christmas Eve receptions tradition is back in full swing! Please help us treat guests, members and staff to a festive holiday treat at the reception in the Leenhouts Common Room after each Christmas Eve service which are at 3:30, 5:00, and 6:30 p.m.

Share a treat! Consider sharing a plate of cookies or a sweet or savory holiday favorite from your home. Finger food only please. A sign-up sheet to bring Christmas Eve treats will be at the Member Services Table starting Sunday, December 3.

Elves help needed! We also need extraordinarily helpful elves to help organize the receptions, decorate our tables in the Common Room and cover one hour on Christmas Eve (restocking the bounty and cleaning up a bit). This is a fun service to our church community that friends, partners, or families can contribute as a team. Individuals are also welcome! If you can help, please email Deb at deb.solis@uumilwaukee.org.

Deb Solis
Youth Program Coordinator

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