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Social Justice

Circles of Support Opportunities

I want to thank the 10 members of First Church who met last year over 40 times with ex-incarcerated returning citizens in our Circles of Support. Our members listened to their stories and offered support as they reintegrated into our community. Our Circles of Support did a good job in meeting the challenge of drawing out reticent returning citizens.

Another Circles of Support, titled “God’s Circle,” has invited us to join their monthly discussions and we now need another 8-10 people. Please let me know if you would be interested in participating in one of the two Circles being offered. The time commitment is 90 minutes every other month or so. Three members of First Church participate in each monthly circle, ensuring a balanced conversation between all participants.

First Church’s next Circles of Support is Wednesday, January 19, 6:00- 7:15 p.m., on Zoom. Please email me if you can join us as a guest and explore whether dialoging with returning citizens is something for you.

Paul Geenen, First Church Circles of Support Coordinator

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