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COVID Masking Changes

Dear First Church Members and Friends,

The First Church COVID Team, in our ongoing efforts to balance safety and community needs, is adjusting our mask rules based on the COVID incidence in Milwaukee County. We continue to prefer and strongly recommend that you wear a high-quality (e.g., KN95) mask while inside the church. This is a simple, effective step you can take to live our UU values and protect our community, including those with vulnerabilities.

We also understand masks can create issues with small group communication and emotional connection. Therefore, regulations will be relaxed to only require masks in worship services. Masks will now be optional in small group interactions, with mutual consent, for members and staff. If you need support in leading your small group through a consent conversation, reach out to Rev. Jennifer.

Coffee Hour and Religious Education will also be mask-optional. Memorial service and wedding mask regulations will be at the discretion of the family.

If the CDC-defined COVID community level (see https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html) enters the “high” category, universal masking requirements will be reinstated until it again drops to the “medium” or “low” category. If the COVID community level enters the “low” category, masks will be optional in worship. See the chart below for a handy reference.

The COVID Team sincerely appreciates the patience and understanding of our First Church family as we navigate these uncertain times while balancing competing needs.

In faith,
Rev. Jennifer, Senior Minister
Erik Alexander, COVID Team Chair
Stacy Koenen, COVID Team
Lisa Koneazny, COVID Team
Jean Johnson, Director of Administration


COVID Community Level First Church Activity Mask Requirement Status
Low Worship Masks Recommended
Low All non-worship activities Masks Recommended
Medium Worship Masks Required
Medium Religious Education Masks Recommended
Medium Small groups Masks Recommended
Medium Coffee Hour Masks Recommended
Medium Weddings & Memorials Up to the family
High All Activities Masks Required


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