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Social Justice

Earth Justice Ministry Coming Events

Film Series and Discussions. We are partnering with the Wisconsin Sierra Club’s Environmental Film and Book Club to bring you a virtual series of interesting documentaries and discussions. From accessibility of public lands to health impacts of burning fossil fuels, examples of environmental injustice are deeply woven into environmental issues in Wisconsin. Explore the inequities rooted within environmental impacts with these films. Be part of bringing meaningful environmental films to our congregation in this series that will be on Zoom beginning this Fall. We hope to run our own in-person series in 2022.

Plastic-Free MKE is a local coalition to help individuals, households, and organizations reduce plastic use. EJM will join and disseminate ideas.

Bee The Change. Attend and/or help organize workshops with Beevangelist Charlie Koenen to raise awareness about the plight of our pollinators. We’ll create a Pollinator Parade for Earth Day, in collaboration with our Religious Education program.

Interfaith Earth Network (IEN) is a member of the Coalition on Lead Emergency (COLE) to address lead contamination in Milwaukee. COLE also works to spread the word about Green Burials.

Recycling. Research and disseminate recycling information dealing with a wide range of materials.

Letter Writing. Inform policy makers of our positions on issues.

Multi-Racial Environmental Community. There are many opportunities to make a difference! For instance, Hummingbird Milwaukee: https://hummingbirdmke.com/building-a-multiracial-environmental-community/.

Contact Barbara Leigh and Bruce Wiggins, Earth Justice Ministry Co-Chairs for more info.

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