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Social Justice

Emergency Wildfire Relief Special Collection This Sunday

The Camp wildfire in Paradise, California is the most destructive wildfire in California history, with the Woolsey fire and Hill fire adding to the devastation.

When disaster strikes, we want to respond to the pain and suffering we see. One way to do that is to take up a collection during Sunday Services for emergency relief efforts. This Sunday, December 9, we will donate 100% of all non-pledge cash in our offering plate (and any checks made out directly) to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund, an ongoing fund used to assist those directly affected by current disasters.

Donations to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund will not only assist UU congregations in fire-scarred areas but also support local partner organizations serving the community at large.

Please give generously, if you can, during our Sunday Services on December 9 or online at https://giving.uua.org/disaster-aid. If you prefer to donate by mail, please make your check payable to the UUA with “Disaster Relief Fund” on the memo line, and send to UUA Gift Processing, 24 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210.

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