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Forge Our Future

Endowment Task Force Appointed

The Board developed a Forge Our Future Endowment Fund Policy Task Force, and voted on the charge and members at their January 24, 2023 meeting.

Over the next six months, Task Force members will draft an Endowment Fund Policy that sets forth the purpose of the endowment, protects the principal, separates the funds from other FUSM investments, sets guidelines for withdrawals, and identifies an investment vehicle and fund manager. To do this, they will consult with outside counsel and experts and identify best practices from other religious organizations. The Task Force will also recommend a future oversight process and congregational communications plan, and report to the Board of Trustees.

The Task Force members appointed by the Board are: Dave Becker, George Bledsoe, Tom Briscoe, Elizabeth Lentini, Ron Oshima, and Kathy Rivera. They bring decades of legal, financial, and investment experience to the team, and include members of the FUSM Board of Trustees, Finance Team, and Strategic Planning Team.

Joe Riepenhoff
Board of Trustees Member

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