Updates from the State of Wisconsin
April 6, 2025 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am

State Senator Chris Larson.
Senator (and First Church member) Larson will provide an update of what has been happening in state government and how that action (or inaction) affects us and our neighbors.
In-Person or Online
In-Person: In Max Otto Hall.
Online: Also available on our YouTube channel.
For over 50 years, the Sunday Forum lecture series has showcased provocative, sometimes controversial, speakers discussing topical issues of the day: politics, the environment, health issues, the arts, education, and more. The Sunday Forum is held at 10:00 a.m. September through May. Speakers give a 45-minute presentation, followed by questions and brief comments from the audience. The content of Forum lectures does not necessarily express the viewpoint of First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, but are meant to offer thoughtful topics which our members often pursue further on their own.