Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Get Involved

Here’s a well-known secret: a great way to participate in the community life of First Church is to volunteer!

Volunteering is rewarding for you in many ways. You’ll get to meet and grow to know others in the community as you work side by side. And you’ll feel good about the work you do that is valued by so many.

Your volunteer hours are essential to allow First Church to offer all the programs we share with each other.

If you explore the drop-down menu under this Get Involved heading, you’ll discover a myriad of opportunities. They range from volunteer roles that are fairly straight-forward and mostly require your reliable presence to responsibilities (such as board committee work, Pastoral Care Associates, Worship Associates) needing profession skills or some amount of special training that we will gladly provide.

Social Justice

Visit this page to learn about and get involved in our active Social Justice program.


This explains the path to become a full member of First Church.

Groups Directory

This is a directory of all groups, from social and spiritually nurturing groups to teams that conduct the business of the church, with current contact information.


Here are suggestions for ways to get involved, whether as a newcomer or a longtime church member, with basic volunteer activities such as helping with Sunday’s coffee hour and ushering.

Worship Associates

Learn about these lay leaders who provide assistance in leading Sunday Services throughout the year.

Summer Pulpit Guests

During the summer, we have some opportunities for pulpit guest presentations by church members at Sunday Services. Application information is found here.

Chanticleer Newsletter

Current (and past) newsletters offer a quick look at coming events that invite your active participation.