Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.


Volunteering at First Church is an amazing way to experience our community and to help others. There are many great opportunities below and more throughout the year. Join us and make a difference.

Sunday Volunteers

Help make Sundays happen!

  • Ushers
  • Religious Education Volunteers
  • Social Justice Table
  • Member Services Table
  • Coffee Host
  • Audio Tech
  • Livestream Tech

Contact Office Manager Shari Wright to help you connect with leaders of these groups.

Pastoral Care Providers

These volunteers give rides or meals to other members in need. To become a volunteer, call First Church at 414-273-5257, or send an email to:

Pastoral Care Provider Coordinator Liz Irwin.

Worship Associates

Worship Associates are lay leaders who provide assistance in leading Sunday Services throughout the year.

Learn more about Worship Associates.