Worship Associates

Worship Associates are members who are moved and inspired by worship and want to contribute to the congregation’s depth of experience in the service. These lay leaders, guided by the Ministers, assist in leading our Sunday services throughout the year.

Worship Associates want to engage in philosophical and theological reflection about meaning and purpose. They are deeply committed to the church and its ideals. Additionally, they have public speaking ability or experience.


Worship Associates engage in reflection on the meaning, purpose, and life of the congregation. The Worship Associates help develop Sunday themes for worship in monthly meetings with the Ministers, Music staff, and Program staff. At these meetings, we delve deeply into personal and communal understandings of monthly themes and then identify topics for each of the Sunday services of the month. The program includes training for Worship Associates on pulpit presence, storytelling, logistics, and creating the container for the shared experience of the worship service.


Responsibilities during worship:

  • Each of the Worship Associates shares in conducting our Sunday morning services. Primarily this involves welcoming everyone, lighting the chalice, doing a reading, introducing pulpit guests when the ministers are not present, and extinguishing the chalice at the end of the service.
  • Worship Associates are also asked to share in the responsibility for the service setup. While most of this should already be in place (by one of our Facilities Assistants), Worship Associates arrive about 30 minutes before the service to do some last minute sound checks of the microphones, make sure the chalice has been filled with alcohol and check in with the Minister.
  • Following the service, the Worship Associate welcomes our guests and newcomers at the Guest Table in the Leenhouts Common Room.
  • Worship Associates are in charge of taking the lead in conducting the service with pulpit guests. Consequently, the Worship Associate is expected to meet the pulpit guest before the service, orient them to the sanctuary, double-check the expectations for who does what, introduce the guest from the pulpit, etc.

Please hear from past Worship Associate’s what their experiences have been on our YouTube Channel.


The Worship Associates Program is by application only, and training is provided. Terms begin in September with a commitment to serve for two years, including summers. Worship Associates support the Ministers in leading worship about once every two months; covering both the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services on the date they serve.

 Apply to be a Worship Associate using the form below.



2025-2026 Worship Associate Program Application

Apply for a two-year term as one of our important Sunday Worship Associates by completing an application by March 31, 2025.


The Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

Contact The Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister