Giving Tuesday 2021
Help First Church continue to provide Authentic Connection near and far by supporting us this Giving Tuesday!
First Church is committed to keeping virtual accessibility to Sunday Services as well as small groups and meetings open to all, even as we move to in-person church.
Any donation you provide will be used to help us upgrade our Sanctuary’s livestreaming capabilities and increase our video conferencing capacity so we can continue to invite everyone to all the places we gather.
If you are a current member, or have been enjoying our virtual Sunday Service, we thank you for supporting our community.
Our $13,000 goal would help us upgrade:
- sanctuary camera ($2,000)
- 5 AV carts @ $2,000 each (monitors, teleconferencing microphones & cameras, upgraded carts)
- create an audio-visual workstation in the sanctuary
Donations can be made here.
Every Sunday, we open our doors for virtual service to anyone seeking solace and inspiration.
It was hard to leave my Milwaukee community of friends and co-workers but the hardest was leaving First Church. With the onset of the pandemic and the creative efforts of First Church, my spirit continues to be blessed by participating and engaging with our community from afar.
Lisa Gies (First Church Member since 2006, current Member of the Adult Spiritual Development Team, and a Theme Circle Facilitator from Oregon.)
In the last 18 months, we’ve learned Authentic Connection can grow even online.
The group as a whole has so much wisdom and love and genuine caring among its members. And I have never felt out of place, even though I do not have the connections most have with one another. I look forward to Wednesday mornings. This practice seems to ground my mid-week. I love the structure and how each reading brings deeper understanding of the poems and ourselves.
Cindy Voorhies (Virtual Visitor, joined Poetry Contemplation Group March 2021)