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Social Justice

Immigration as a Moral Issue

Statue of Liberty Immigration

By Kitty Willkomm

Statue of Liberty Immigration

[quote]“We must prepare to resist human rights violations in active ways. We must make it much harder to deport, register, discriminate, and despoil.”[/quote] ~Rev. Peter Morales, UUA President

In answer to Rev. Morales’ very clear call to action, our own group concerns, and questions from several congregation members, the Immigration Issues Action Group has scheduled several activities. Group members, accompanied by the Rev. Jennifer, met with Nayeli Rodin-Valle, Los Voces de la Frontera’s local coordinator for the New Sanctuary Movement, to gather information and explore possible involvement.
March 12 – Professor Rachel Ida Buff, will speak on immigrant rights, vulnerability and sanctuary. She will explore questions of policy and attitudes towards immigration.

April 16 – From UWM’s Department of Society, Professor William Velez, will speak on “The Latino presence in Milwaukee.” He will focus on the findings of a greater Milwaukee Foundation statistical report and look at such issues as quality of life, income, education, poverty, and labor force participation.

As a result of our concerns for the future and information gathering at Los Voces, we are seeking other faith groups in the Milwaukee area that may be

interested in working together on immigration issues, including a discussion of sanctuary and what that means now.



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