Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Lock in Intention

Living with Intention is hard for me, and one of the reasons I value church. I’ve an idea how I want to live (well mostly) but then I forget, or get distracted, or bumped out of perspective! After 30ish years attending UU services, new insights regarding how I want to be are rare. But the times my mind or emotions reshape softly around an “oh yeah…that’s right” are very common. And precious. And needed all too often.

I was reminded of this when we held a service at Lake Park on a cold, damp, drizzly snowy morning this past November. I’ve gotten used to attending services in my jammies, plus the weather forecast was looking grim so when Jennifer texted early that morning, “We’re a go” I was like, “Really?” And putting on my long johns and boots I was muttering all manner of unfriendly things.

But by half-way though the service I had a big grin beneath my mask thinking, “Okay. Totally worth it!”

I should have known, because it wasn’t the meaningful words, or cute baby blessing, or wonderful music, though all that was wonderful. It was being in the midst of a community of people whose intention, en masse, was so much larger and more grounded than my own. It was all of us.

In February we will be gathering together again in person weekly. I will have to be there, even on days my perspective has been so far bumped I forget the hope you all inspire in me, but then I’m very lucky like that!

Sign Up for Ushering

If church is a practice that supports your intentional life, I invite you to consider buttressing your own practice by volunteering to usher. Ushering is a once-a-month obligation to show up and participate in our welcome of members, friends and visitors, as well as support the smooth operations of our in-person services. Plus, we just need you! Email me or Cheri Briscoe if you would like to volunteer. Thanks!

Lynne Jacoby, Member Development Coordinator

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