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Investing in Justice

As you consider your pledge for 2025-26, we would like to share with you that as part of First Church’s investment strategy we are committed to investing with entities that work in our local community to provide economic opportunity for people of color and economically disadvantaged persons.

We currently have over $21,000 invested with the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation, known as WWBIC, leveraging our initial investment with a match from the UAA. WWBIC has been “Putting Dreams to Work” in Wisconsin since 1987, providing support to underserved individuals who are interested in starting, strengthening or expanding businesses. It focuses on individuals who face barriers in accessing resources and traditional financing, particularly women, people of color, veterans, rural and lower wealth individuals. Since 1987, WWBIC has served 75,000 individuals in Wisconsin, with 92% of its Milwaukee clients being people of color.

We also currently hold a CD of over $56,000 at the Self-Help Federal Credit Union. Its mission is to create and protect economic opportunity for all, especially people of color, women and low-wealth families and communities, by providing financial services, lending to small businesses and nonprofits, developing real estate and promoting fair financial practices. Milwaukee branch collaborations include Sherman Phoenix and Milwaukee Build Operate Scale Sustain (BOSS), which will provide financial coaching and access to capital to certified minority-owned businesses in Milwaukee.

Holly Patzer, Finance Team

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