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Social Justice

Many GOTV Canvassers Needed Soon 

Common  Ground  and First Church’s Defend Democracy action group are teaming up to help over 30,000 people to vote in the November election.  A major part of the plan is to visit every public housing location in Milwaukee to make sure residents are registered and to assist them with voting. That includes knocking on 11,000 doors of families in public housing or receiving rent assistance.

In addition, we will be asking residents if they have any issues with plumbing, rodents, insects, security, etc. that have not been addressed by the Housing Authority.  If so, we will assist them with getting these issues resolved.

We will start visiting the public housing locations in late August and continuing up to the election. People will be working in pairs in four-hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays. Training will be provided.

If you are passionate about the outcome of this election, you will have opportunities to sign up at the Social Justice table and on-line.  We will be having an assembly on August 19th, 6:00 to 7:30 to kick off our GOTV campaign. Details to follow as we get further into August.

Knocking on that many doors will require a lot of volunteers. First Church has shown up many times before. Let’s do it again!

Jerry Fredrickson, Chair of Common Ground at First Church

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