Religious Education for Children & Youth
Each month, the RE program features the church’s monthly theme through projects, games, spiritual practice, and shared ideas that connect to our Unitarian Universalist values and history.
We offer children and youth a truly engaging and educational experience every time they join us.
All RE programs for children over 5 years of age begin in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. with the beginning of our first Sunday service only. Children, Youth and RE Volunteers are invited to process downstairs after some shared time together in our sanctuary. For children under the age of five, the Nursery and Preschool are open from 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. during the first service, and from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. during the second service, fifteen minutes before service to help make the transition as easy as possible for families.
Most Sundays, RE offers UU Play or UU Maker Space, during first service until 10:30 a.m. Options such as All Ages Sunday and special workshops are available on some Sundays.
- UU Maker Space (6-18 years of age)
UU Maker Space is all about unleashing creativity and exploration with a range of materials and activities children will learn through hands-on creation. - UU Play (6-18 years of age)
Play is important in a child’s development. In UU Play children learn through games that reflect our values and build strong relationships with their peers and the environment. - Chalice Choice (6-18 years of age)
The congregation is the curriculum. Members from our community propose an activity or workshop idea for our children, work with Rev. Kimberlee to shape a feature workshop. - Youth Group (7-12th grade)
The Youth Group will meet the first and third Sundays of every month in the Emerson Room. We explore our church’s theme with “whole person” learning, focusing on the different ways we engage with the world: head, heart, hands, body, spirit/soul, and community. Youth are always welcome to join in the activities found in our UU Play & UU Maker Space. - Childcare for Children (Birth-3 years of age)
Nursery Caregiver, Cecelia Groshek and RE Volunteers provide care for our youngest children in the Servetus Nursery room during both Sunday services. - Soul Matters Preschool (3-6 years of age)
Early Childhood Coordinator, Mariah Groshek guides our children in exploring our faith through ritual, story, and play related to the church’s monthly theme during both Sunday services in the Dorothea Dix Preschool Room. - All Ages Together
Throughout the year we will continue to offer All-Ages RE, a time for a larger gathering when all our children and youth will all be together for social justice projects, worship preparation, celebration, featured guests, and more! - Multi-Generational Sunday Services
Several times a year, the Sunday service will be multi-generational. Specially designed for children and families to attend together, your family won’t want to miss these services! During these services, the preschool and nursery will be available, but the other RE programs will not take place.
Find out how to register for our Religious Education Program here.
Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson
414-273-5257 x 204