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Social Justice

Share the Plate Feb – Health Connections, Inc.

Our Share the Plate Partner for February 2022 is Health Connections, Inc.

Health Connections, Inc. (HCI) is a non-profit organization bringing health care services to some of Milwaukee’s most marginalized populations. They practice primary care, behavioral health, and health-related social services coordination, with a special focus on vulnerable folks that face barriers to accessing health care such as youth, underinsured, HIV+, and LGBTQ.

In response to COVID-19, HCI has provided community-based COVID-19 testing and community education to Milwaukee County residents. Testing is vital for reducing transmission rates among marginalized populations. Culturally appropriate community outreach helps communicate COVID-19 prevention, risk, and care options to community members who have been disproportionately impacted.

Funding is needed for PPE, COVID-19 testing supplies and staff time to serve our community.

HCI has introduced:
• Drive-thru COVID-19 Testing
• Pre-travel COVID-19 Testing
• Mobile/House Call COVID-19 Testing
• K-12 In-school Testing
• Community Event Testing in partnership with local organizations and churches
• COVID-related Regulatory Compliance for Schools, Congregate Living Facilities, Businesses, Government Agencies

For more information visit their website at https://www.healthconnectmke.org

Contributions can be made securely online at this First Church link or mail your check to First Church made payable to: Health Connections, Inc. The church will send all contributions to HCI .

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