Stacey Thieme

Board Member
Board Term Ending 2026. Stacey has been a member of First Church since 2010. Through a quiz, she discovered that Unitarian-Universalism matched her values best. She quickly found First Church was a great fit for her husband Geoff and daughter Kailey as well as herself. Stacey has taught RE classes, been a Mystery Friend, and participated in many church and YANKS events. After Stacey’s son Kyle joined the family in 2011, Stacey co-founded the UU Parenting Group that was active until 2019. Over the past 12 years, Stacey has taken part in the Gathering Waters Sangha (our church’s Buddhist Group), Theme Circles, and the church Winter Pageant. She joined the CRE Team in 2019 and has co-chaired it for the past 2 years. Stacey continues to teach RE classes and has recently been trained to teach OWL. She looks forward to helping the church connect and grow in new ways.