Summer Pulpit Guest

Have You Ever Dreamed of Standing in the Pulpit of First Church?

  • Do you have insights that would help us achieve our mission to nurture the spirit, engage the mind, and inspire action?
  • Do you have an important and thought-provoking topic that you would like to share with the congregation?

If you said yes to either (or both) of these questions, you might consider submitting a proposal to conduct a summer service. If this opportunity interests you, please  submit the proposal form below. You will be asked to outline your sermon topic, about your public speaking experience, and how your topic relates to UU values and the mission of First Church. Please submit your application by April 15, 2023. The Pulpit Guest Team will review your proposal and let you know our decision in May, 2023.

Thank you for your interest!


2024 Summer Service Member-Led Pulpit Guest Proposal

Thanks for your interest in being a Pulpit Guest for one of our 2024 Summer Services! Please answer the following questions to help the Pulpit Guest Team select an interesting mix of speakers and topics for the summer. Please submit your proposal by April 15, 2024.