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Social Justice

Take Action to Defend Democracy

From Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom


We have each pledged to protect and defend our democracy as part of our Unitarian Universalist faith practice. We know our democracy is under threat. At best, this election will be chaotic and confusing. At worst, there may be an attempt at an undemocratic power grab—a coup.

Preparing for the worst is like having a fire drill: it is emergency preparedness planning for contingencies. While the emergency may be unlikely, the planning still must be done so we are prepared to act quickly if the worst happens. If there is an undemocratic takeover attempt this November, will you be ready to take action?

Please join us in pledging to uphold democracy and a fair election. Everyone has a role to play in this, from pressuring our officials to count every vote, to understanding what a coup is and sharing that definition, to using non-violent demonstration, resistance and shut down until democracy prevails. Nonviolent mass resistance has stopped coups around the world, and we can do the same here if someone attempts to thwart our free and fair election. Will you join us and commit to take action? Here’s what you can do now:

Take a training.

Sign the list to defend democracy.

Sign up to be on the list of folks who want to participate in our First Church defense of democracy. Use this form or E-mail Kathy Rivera at lewrivera2013@icloud.com. Mention “Defend Democracy” in the subject line.


Gather online with the First Church community and ministers.  November 4, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83640477562?pwd=OXZKa3lPZ1dNaXAxckZ6eFpnamlQUT09 Passcode: 969264; Meeting ID: 836 4047 7562.

This work will require spiritual resilience, emotional groundedness, and courage — skills we practice as a spiritual community. It is more than okay to feel fear, grief, anger, numbness, or overwhelm in the face of adversity. It is part of the process of being present to reality so we can take action. True courage comes from struggle and vulnerability, so feel your feelings. Process them with someone you trust.

If you would like to process them with a Pastoral Care Associate you can email fuspastoralcare@gmail.com. See our November Chanticleer newsletter article on our website for several online UU spaces for November 3 Election Day reflection and spiritual practice.

In this chaotic and confusing time, you are not alone. Join your First Church community to connect and reflect, Defend Democracy, and feel the power of the people.

Your First Church “Defend Democracy” Leadership Team,

Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom

Kathy Rivera

Nick Hayes

Pete Koneazny

Beth Monhollen

Terry Wiggins

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