Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Testimonial – Ben LeFort


Ben LeFortMy active participation has ebbed and flowed over the last 16 years, but over that time I’ve been involved in the Marketing Committee, as an usher, helped re-install the pews when we recarpeted the sanctuary, as a volunteer in the community, and most recently as a member of the Strategic Planning Team and Board of Trustees.

First Church has been there for me in so many ways; it’s hard to enumerate all the ways that I’ve gotten something out of my participation in the community. Certainly, my experience on the board and Strategic Planning Team have been a highlight in recent years – so many amazing people, and such dedication to our community. And so much dedication to the wider community!

One of those literally invaluable “intangible spiritual benefits” of First Church has been my daughter’s participation in Religious Education, and most recently in the Our Whole Lives program. How I wish I had had the same exposure to UU values, world religions and sexual health education as a part of my religious upbringing as she has had. When I considered my donation to the Forge Our Future Campaign, I thought about how impossible it is to put a price tag on the experience Vera has had in RE!

As a member of the Strategic Planning Team and Board of Trustees over the past two and a half years, I joined our church leadership in the push for the Forge Our Future Campaign because it was not only the right thing to do, but because it is one small way we can pay forward the generous First Church community that came before us.

Beyond the courageous history of fighting for social justice and a commitment to spiritual seeking, they gave us a beautiful building to worship in every Sunday. We are blessed by the generosity of previous generations of First Church’ers every time we walk through the doors. And the Forge Our Future Campaign is one small way that we can do the same for future generations.

Join me and so many others in our community in ensuring that Milwaukeeans will have access to this loving, open-hearted community for generations to come!