Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Testimonial – Laurel Brooks

Member at FUSM since 2018

Laurel Brooks

When we returned to Milwaukee four years ago, an old friend suggested that we consider the Unitarian tradition. Our first impression was that in the panoply of churches, it seemed unexpectedly relevant, socially and politically. That alone was sufficient encouragement to look more deeply. As we continued to attend services, that first impression was reinforced with layers of intention and meaning and fellow feeling. Each time I step into the church, I feel welcome; my seat in the pew is a perfect fit. Though I still have not met everyone in the congregation, through the warmth and character of the people I have come to know, along with the messages of the sermons, both powerful and personal; the thrilling range of the music; the profound commitment to liberal religious education for children and adults, and the steadfast pursuit of social justice, I feel an irresistible invitation to be a part of this Beloved Community.  

I believe that all of these elements compose the public face of Love and that as we mirror that gaze for each other, we, together, illuminate the life of our congregation as we join hands to walk each other home.  

I am so grateful to be in your company on this journey.