Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Testimonial – Nancy Pajewski


Nancy PajewskiIn my 24 years of First Church membership, there have been several fundraising campaigns. Two things are true of them. First, we are reminded that we benefit now from a vibrant congregation that is well-known in the community and that worships in a beautiful, well-preserved sanctuary, because the generations before us generously contributed their time, talents, and treasure to keep the church alive. The second truth is that we reach our financial campaign goals.

I want to be a part of expanding that proud history into the future.

Over the years I have been significantly shaped by First Church. It has guided my path of spiritual growth, taught me leadership skills, and widened my awareness of social justice issues. I am also grateful for many friendships and tremendous support after the death of my husband. Now it is my privilege to do all I can to ensure that First Church thrives and provides those many gifts to others.

I moved to Winston Salem, North Carolina, two years ago, and I did not expect to continue feeling as strongly connected to First Church as I do. I’m an introvert, someone who adapts to change slowly. My involvements and relationships at First Church developed slowly, gently, and deeply. They continue to sustain me. I am a retired teacher. I remember so many Sunday mornings, sitting on the organ side of the sanctuary, wondering whether my students were learning anything from me and whether I was fostering a love of learning in them. Then I’d hear the music, the worship associate reflection, and the sermon, and I‘d be filled with the passion to be the best teacher I could be for one more week.

For nearly a third of my life, First Church has helped, in the words of Howard Thurman, to “Keep fresh before me the moments of my highest resolve.” So when you are invited to a Forge Our Future conversation, don’t think of it as a request for money. It’s an opportunity to reflect on who you are, where you want to go, and how First Church can help you get there.